miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008


Poema d'Amor Uman en lenga de Tolosa e de Valéncia.

Primera edició del Concurs Trobadors del III Mil-lenari: finalista.

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Paraula d'Oc. Núm: 5

Data: 07/2002

Colomina analizes Valencian words and expressions which are the same in Occitania and often in west Catalonia. The article demonstrate that it is quite impossible to understand linguistic problemes in the valencian area whithout looking at the whole Occitan-romance systeme, also called Oc language.

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Paraula d'Oc. Núm: 6

Data: 06/2003

Jordi Colomina, philologist of the Alacant University and Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (Valencian Academy of the Language) , proposes to the philologists, specially to the IEO (Catalan Studies Institut) to name the language: Valencian-Catalan language, in order to avoid problems between Valencian and Catalan people, and at the same time to finish the Valencian Battle.

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martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008


Paraula d'Oc. Núm: 4Data: 02/2001

"Ensenyen al seu poble a no obeir als seus senyors, injurien als rics, odien a les persones distiguides, posen en ridícul als que tenen autoritat, censuren al nobles, consideren vil als ulls de Déu servir al rei i prohibixen al serf treballar per al seu amo"

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To read the article, click here (you'll have to download it in PDF format).

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Comentaris a “Tradició lliterària, identitat y model de llengua pròpia en Valéncia?” d’Àngel V. Calpe.

The author points out that there has been a long specifically Valencian literary tradition that has shaped the cultural identity of the Valencian people. It is reported that current problems of identity and about the language of Valencians come from losing this tradition, that has been regarded by some scholars as low in quality because of the model of language in which it was written.

In fact, this anomalous situation is related to the attempts of Catalan linguistic planning to deny literary status to the Valencian language. Admitting that the modern Catalan language is mainly based on the dialect spoken in Barcelona, all literature written outside that model of language is considered dialectal and inaccurate for usual reading, teaching or learning. The attempts to form a substandard variety of the Catalan language for the use of Valencian people has caused many distortions in the confidence and linguistic identity of its users.

The need of a specific codification for the Valencian language connected with its own literary tradition and the current speech of its users, whithin the framework of the Occitano-Romance diasystem, is established as essential for a good and positive language planning in Valencia and for overcoming the current linguistic conflict among the users of this language.

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If you want to read the whole article, click here and you will be able to download it in PDF format.

Comentaris a “I què en faré de mi si no m'estimes?” de Pilar Cabot.

Finalista de la primera edició del Concurs Trobadors del III Mil-lenari.

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If you want to read the whole article, click here and you will be able to download it in PDF format.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Comentaris a “Odas Ivernencas”, de Joan Frederic Brun.

Primer premi de la primera edició del Concurs Trobadors del III Mil-lenari.
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If you want to read the whole article, click here and you will be able to download it in PDF format.

Comentaris a "Sonet encadenat a tu" de Josep Antoni Aznar.

Finalista de la primera edició del Concurs Trobadors del III Mil-lenari.
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If you want to read the whole article, click here and you will be able to download it in PDF format.

Comentaris a "Una forma comuna de tota la lenga d'Oc" de Miquèu Audoier

Audoier says that just one norm for the Occitan-romance diasystem, or Oc language, will be better than the situacion we have at present, because, with only one standard will be easier to avoid the influences of the Spanish and French languages. He also says that this standard will be better for Gascons, and calls everybody to begin the commun work.

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If you want to read the whole article, click here and you will be able to download it in PDF format.

Comentaris a "Occità, català i gascó: punts de contacte." de Jacques Allières.

The autor closes his work with the sentence "a gascon can understand, better then other people, a catalan, and, perhaps, much better a valencian". The article shows the relation of the gascon language with the south Pyrenean area.

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